Category Archives: Right to Life

Right to Life

Right to Life

During this past 40 Days for Life campaign, 11 more abortion workers left their jobs — while faithful people were praying for them outside their workplaces. This list includes one doctor who quit his job and asked to speak to a priest! This brings the total number of workers abandoning the abortion industry during 40 Days for Life campaigns up to 101.

God does answer prayers!

And, thanks to the prayers and efforts of 100,000 volunteers across 253 cities during the recently completed 40 Days for Life campaign, we’ve now confirmed reports of 728 babies saved from abortion.

Here’s what you — with God’s help — have accomplished over these last six and a half years:

• 3,039 local 40 Days for Life campaigns
• 625,000 participants
• 17,000 churches
• 539 cities
• 24 countries
• And 8,973 lives saved

Those are 8,973 reasons for us to keep pressing on in this work!

The next internationally coordinated 40 Days for Life campaign will be:                                                                             September 24 – November 2.

Thanks to Shawn Carney for this report.

Right to Life : A Rose For Motherhood

Right to Life

Ron Gerber proposed that the following prayer be read after the Baptism of each child in our parish and that a rose and a copy of the prayer be given to the                 mother of the child to support the prolife efforts of K of C council 10937. He            will speak with Fr. Jim about adding this at the end of each Baptismal ceremony. A copy of the letter is below.